Friday, April 24, 2009

random entry

I have nothing much in mind to say, just lots of time to say it since I'm sitting in clinic waiting for Ethan. My SI joint is bothering me so I have to sit in a somewhat comfortable position I've found and type away. I did strengthening exercises at home this morning, plus I'm trying to get away w/ wearing a different pair of shoes than normal - both are probably causing more discomfort.

I think I forgot how intense plain old normal life can be, without the extra health issues. This week our sump pump failed as well as the backup battery pack. We didn't have a lot of major "flooding" but in the end still have to have carpet restoration with insurance kicking in a part of the cost. Ethan's room is very important to keep dry because it's risky for him to be exposed to mold.

A friend of mine asked me what I'll do next year when all the kids are in school. That's where this line of thought about the intensity of normal life comes from. This past year, there were so many things that didn't get done at all or we paid other people to do or had volunteer help just so we could function. Someone happened to see the outside of our house yesterday and pointed out that we need to replace the extensions on the gutter drains to keep the water away from the house. When is that going to fit into life along with the million and one other things that need attention? My main "extra" focus this month has been Ethan's upcoming graduation and working on details for his freshman year at ISU. There's also Katrina's school, taking care of Samantha, doing the housework I don't pay to get done, cooking, driving girls to lessons, and multiple other things. And Dave is swamped w/ his extra responsibilities at work and trips to Memphis.

But next year when I have more "free time" what will I do with myself? It would be nice to shop more economically for one, something I've wanted to do for years. I clip coupons and take advantage of sales at the grocery store, but don't have time to shop around. It would be nice to get back into crafts or more sophisticated cooking. The kids (and Dad) would love it if I did some baking and made more use of the bread machine they just gave me. I'd like to volunteer at both the girls' schools. I'd enjoy pursuing long-term interests w/ tutoring ESL and taking advantage of adoption/pro-life opportunities. I'd enjoy being able to participate in St. Jude and cancer awareness programs.

I know I'll need to continue with my health care and have an exercise program. I hope I can start playing keyboard and attend functions at church again, esp. in women's ministires. I'm missing their retreat this weekend and haven't attended the weekly Bible Study all year. We haven't been involved in attending, hosting or leading a small group in a long time.

There are so many things to do! God-willing I'll be able to manage even just a few.

Well that's my random entry for today.


Katrina said...

Hi Nita,

Just checked in to read your last two posts. I'm sorry your still limping along. Got a kick out of your post on Ethan's carenet site today. That was so Bryan and very funny. I hope I am free to come see the guys jam on Friday. What fun! Thinking of you and missing some of the good old days when our kids were young and we use to see more of you guys!

Big Katrina

Nita said...

Thanks Katrina, we'd love to see you at the show. I'm thinking we'll see more of each other next yr w/ (little) Katrina going to Cornerstone. I'm glad our kids still get to see a lot of each other and enjoy each others' company.

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