Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am finally getting sustained relief from my symptoms. I can attribute it to many factors:

1. I don't have as many physical demands w/ Samantha in school all day.
2. I have a combination of medications that seem to be working w/ few side effects.
3. I am sleeping a lot. I go to bed around 9:30 and take a good nap each day.
4. I am working out on the circuit equipment 3x a week and walking 3x a week. The circuit exercises are designed to strengthen my core muscles in my pelvis so my SI joint doesn't go out of position.
5. I have adjusted the seat in my car and this has made a huge difference. I kept trying different lumbar cushions which helped some but not enough. Finally I decided to raise the seat higher and this put my back, hips, and leg in the optimum position for comfort.

I want to thank the Lord for helping me re-establish a little more "normalcy" and giving me grace to endure the lack of it. I also want to thank my family for all their support and love.


Eric said...

Hi Nita,

I'm so glad to hear that you're so much closer to feeling and getting to that state of "Normalcy" - Praise God! I know for me when I'm getting good sleep and working out w/weights at the gym on a regular basis, it seems that any an aches and pains that I have suddenly vanish. I also notice that everyday tasks take much less effort and energy too. Keep up the great work and know that we are praying for you to "beat" this thing.


David Loomis said...

Thanks, Eric. Appreciate it. Nita

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